Ezekiel Factor Info W

Antiviral / Antibacterial
Ezekiel Factor is a synergistic blend of rainforest herbs that have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, & anti-inflammatory properties. These herbs have been used for generations by the indigenous people in the Amazon for a variety of viral, bacterial, and venomous conditions. Over the years scientists have verified many traditional uses of these Amazon herbs / plants, and they continue to be an important natural remedy in herbal medicine throughout the world.

Listed below are the herbal ingredients and their reported health benefits.

Jergon Sacha (tuber/rhizome)
* kills viruses, neutralizes venom, reduces inflammation.
* calms coughs, expels worms.

Bitter Mellon (whole plant)
* anti bacterial, anti viral, fights cancer cells
* fights tumors, reduces blood sugar, reduces blood pressure

Mullaca (whole plant)
* anti bacterial, anti viral, reduces spasms, kills germs
* enhances immunity, anti leukemic, thins blood

Cat’s Claw ( vine bark / root)
* reduces inflammation, stimulates immune system
* fights free radicals, protects cells, cleanses bowel
* anti leukemic, tones and balances

Anamu (whole herb)
* kills bacteria, kills fungi, reduces inflammation
* reduces free radicals, reduces anxiety
* fights Candida, enhances immunity

Chanca Piedra (whole plant)
* expels stones, supports kidneys, increases urination
* detoxifies liver, reduces inflammation, reduces spasms
* aids digestion, lowers blood pressure, lowers cholesterol

Picao Preto (whole herb)DSC00959 - Copy - Copy copy
* anti bacterial, anti viral, anti leukemic
* reduces inflammation, kills fungus, protects liver
* inhibits stomach acid, reduces spasms, fights free radicals

Guacatonga (bark, leaves)
* protects stomach, slows tumor growth, relieves pain
* neutralizes venom, anti viral, cleanses blood

Mutamba (bark, leaves, roots)
* anti viral, anti bacterial, anti fungal
* fights free radicals, cleanses blood, lowers blood pressure
* reduces inflammation, stops bleeding

Guaco (leaves)
* anti bacterial, anti fungal, anti venonmous
* suppresses coughs, expels phlegm, dilates bronchials

Caution: Do not take if pregnant or nursing.

100 veggie caps…$18.00



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